Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Secret Sauce
O molhinho secreto

I understand people's fascination with fancy stuff. Food-wise, it's hard not to get affected by fancy, long names (especially if  part of it it's in a different language), rare ingredients, exotic flavors, luscious combinations and intricate techniques.You may love it or you may hate it, but things like that will get your attention and make you have an opinion about it, at least.

Easy it is to disdain the simple things, the products we are used to seeing everyday in our shelves, the food we are already familiar with, the ingredients that have always been used in our homes.  But there's something very comforting and even ingenious in practical, straight-forward, plain ingredients and recipes.

In that spirit, I would like to share a very easy yet delicious salad dressing which I also learned with my grandma. I don't have too pretty a picture for it or anything, but if you try it I am sure you will not be disappointed!

Grandma's super simple salad dressing

- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 heaping teaspoon minced yellow onion
- a splash of white vinegar
- freshly ground black pepper and sea salt to taste

Mix everything in a small bowl and pour over salad. This sauce lets you really taste the greens and vegetables in your salad for what they are, just subtly and elegantly elevating their flavors.

Bon Apetit!


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